If you want to enroll at our site in one of the ongoing or upcoming studies,
The medical world establishment is trying to find the best ways to improve quality of life. That’s why researchers all over the world constantly look for better or new ways of treating illness and disease. Clinical trials are the only way that testing can be done and through which medications and new treatments can be brought to the market and made available for patients.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires clinical trials before it can approve a new treatment as safe and effective for public use. Clinical trials are the link between basic pre-clinical research and the relief of human pain and suffering.
AIM Research is conducting clinical trials in many areas of clinical research and to get more information please click on the following links:
Here are some questions to ask your doctor to help you decide if you want to take part in a clinical trial:
- What is the study trying to find out?
- What kinds of test and exams will I have to take while I’m in the study? How much time do these take? What is involved in each test?
- How often does the study require me to go to the doctor or clinic?
- Will I be hospitalized? If so, how often and for how long?
- What are the costs to me? Will my health insurance pay for it?
- What follow-up will there be?
- What will happen at the end of the study?
- What are my other treatment choices? How do they compare with the treatment being studied?
- What side effects can I expect from the treatment being tested? How do they compare with side effects of standard treatment? How long will the study last?